Envision Design Group
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Glossary of Terms
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q
R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  Benchmarking Process in which an organization continuously compares and measures itself against business leaders anywhere in the world to learn how it could improve performance.  
Bandwidth is the amount of information your connection to the Internet can carry. On average, typical telephone lines can carry 1K of information per second.
Bevel Adding a beveled effect to a graphic image gives the image a raised appearance by applying highlight colors and shadow colors to the inside and outside edges.  
  Bid Written sales proposal from a vendor.  
Billboard (1) An outdoor sign or poster; (2) Sponsor identification at the beginning or end of a television show.  
Bitmap Image A graphic image stored as a specific arrangement of screen dots, or pixels. Web graphics are bitmap images. A graphic which is defined by specifying the colors of dots or pixels which make up the picture. Also known as raster graphics. Common types of bitmap graphics are GIF, JPEG, Photoshop, PCX, TIFF, Macintosh Paint, Microsoft Paint, BMP, PNG, FAX formats, and TGA.  
Bleed Allowing a picture or ad to extend beyond the normal margin of a printed page, to the edge of the page.  
Body copy The text of a print ad, not including the headline, logo, or subscript material.  
  Book Jacket The distinguishing cover of a book.  
Bookmark Just as a paper bookmark is used as a reminder of the page you are on in a book, electronic bookmarks are used to bring you back to a web site or other site you may want to return to. The Netscape browser lets you bookmark any site and save the bookmarks in a file you can recall at any time. Microsoft Internet Explorer uses the term "favorite" instead of bookmark for the same concept.  
  Brand A name, term, sign, symbol, design, or some combination that identifies the products of a firm.  
Brand development index (BDI) A comparison of the percent of a brand's sales in a market to the percent of the national population in that same market.  
Brand name Name used to distinguish one product from it's competitors. It can apply to a single product, an entire product line, or even a company.  
  Brochure A printed piece that is folded into panels.  
  Browser The software used to view, manage, and access web pages by interpreting hypertext and hyperlinks. The two most common browsers are Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Web pages often appear differently depending on the brand and version of the browser intended to view them in.  
  Business-to-business advertising Advertising directed to other businesses, rather than to consumers.  
  Business card A small print advertisement, announcing a business, that does not change over time.  
  Business Plan A written plan for a business that includes every aspect of operation.  
Envision Design Group
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