Envision Design Group
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Glossary of Terms
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q
R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Package (1) A combination of programs or commercials offered by a network that is available for purchase by advertisers either singly or as a discounted package deal. (2) A merchandise enclosure or container.
  Package Design The design of a merchandise enclosure or container.  
  Page Layout A sketch which gives the general appearance of the printed page, showing placement of headlines, text, and illustration.  
  Paste-up A camera-ready layout of illustrative and type material which is configured in the proper position on paperboard and is used for reproductive purposes.  
  PDF Stands for Portable Document Format. Created by Adobe Systems in its software program Adobe Acrobat as a universal browser. Files can be downloaded via the web and viewed page by page, provided the user's computer has installed the necessary plug-in which can be downloaded from Adobe's own web site.  
  Percent-of-sales method Method of determining the advertising budget based on an analysis of past sales, as well as a forecast for future sales.  
  Perceived risk A functional or psychosocial risk a consumer feels he/she is taking when purchasing a product.  
  Photo Manipulation See Image manipulation  
  Photo Restoration See Image manipulation  
  Plug-In A software extension that provides added capabilities to the browser, for purposes such as viewing, hearing, or saving specially formatted files. Most plug-ins are available via the creator's web page for downloading.  
  Point of Purchase Displays Advertising display material located at the retail store, usually placed in an area where payment is made, such as a check-out counter.  
  Poster Design Large format illustrated layout for information and advertising purposes.  
  Print Ads Advertising for printed medium.  
  Press Release Printed news story prepared by an organization and distributed to the media for the purpose of publicizing the organizations products, services, or activities.  
  Product differentiation Developing unique product differences with the intent to influence demand.  
  Product positioning The consumer perception of a product or service as compared to it's competition.  
  Product-related segmentation A method of identifying consumers by the amount of product usage, usually categorized demographically or psychographically.  
  Production Process of physically preparing the advertising idea into a print or broadcast advertisement.  
  Promotion All forms of communication other than advertising that call attention to products and services by adding extra values toward the purchase. Includes temporary discounts, allowances, premium offers, coupons, contests, sweepstakes, etc.  
  Promotional mix Using several different types of communication to support marketing goals which include Advertising, Personal selling, Publicity, and Sales promotions.  
  Promotional product A product imprinted with, or otherwise carrying, a logo or promotional message. Also called an Advertising Specialty.  
  Proof An impression on paper of type, an engraving or the like, for the purpose of checking the correctness and quality of the material to be printed.  
  Psychographics A term that describes consumers or audience members on the basis of psychological characteristics initially determined by standardized tests.  
  Public relations (PR) Communication with various sectors of the public to influence their attitudes and opinions in the interest of promoting a person, product, or idea.  
  Puffery A legal exaggeration of praise lavished on a product that stops just short of deception.  
Envision Design Group
Copyright © 2000 Envision Design Group