Envision Design Group
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Glossary of Terms
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q
R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
GIF Stands for graphics interchange format. GIF images are the most widely used graphic format on the Internet. GIF images display up to 256 colors.
Glow A glow is the opposite of a shadow in that it creates a surrounding highlight of an image. A high radiance creates a soft, subtle glow and a low radiance creates a hard, bright glow.  
Gradient A gradient is a gradual transition of colors. Many metallic images are gradients. Web images that use gradient fills as a special effect should be saved as a JPEG rather than a GIF.  
Graphic Backgrounds The bottom-most layer on a web page, usually with either a design or color that highlights the above copy. A small graphic can be tiled to create a background texture for a web page.  
  Graphic Design The art of visual communication. The conception, planning and execution of designs that communicate a specific message to a specific audience within a given limitation-financial, physical, or psychological.  
Gutter The inside margins of two pages that face each other in a print publication.  
Envision Design Group
Copyright © 2000 Envision Design Group